You need help, just need to talk to someone or need information about trans*?
Here are a few important numbers and addresses you can contact – anonymously is always possible!

Phone numbers:

Telephone counselling service
24/7 around the clock, anonymous and free of charge
0800 / 111 0 111
0800 / 111 0 222
(general emergency number)


Number against sorrow
Monday till Saturday, 14-20 h
116 111
0800 / 111 0 333
(Emergency number for children and young people)


Parents‘ telephone number of the „Nummer gegen Kummer“ (number against sorrow)
Monday to Friday 9-11am & Tuesday/Thursday 5-7pm
0800 / 111 0 550

Weisser Ring – Victim Assistance
daily 7 am – 10 pm
116 006
(telephone help for victims of violence and crime)


Internet addresses:

German Society for Transidentity and Intersexuality e.V.
dgti e.V.

Trakine e.V.
Association for parents and family members of trans* children and trans* youths

This list is not exhaustive and does not claim to be complete.
There are other trustworthy help and information services that you can make use of.