Kennt ihr das Kinderbuch vom kleinen „Ich bin Ich“?

Es ist ein Klassiker in der Kinderbuchliteratur. Dieses Buch könnte nicht besser ausdrücken, was wir uns von der SK Welcome Home Stiftung zum Ziel gesetzt haben:

Jede*r Mensch ist gut so, genau wie er ist – eben ICH bin ICH.

Per se hat diese wesentliche, wie banale Erkenntnis gar nichts mit dem Thema Transgender zu tun. Und doch ist es DAS Thema, wenn man trans* ist. 

Sich selbst zu finden und sich zu einem selbstbewussten Menschen zu entwickeln ist in jedem Leben eine Herausforderung mit Höhen und Tiefen. Trans* Kinder und trans* Personen allgemein haben es hingegen noch ein bisschen schwerer, sich selbst zu finden. Man könnte salopp sagen, sie müssen eine extra Schleife, manchmal auch mehr, drehen. Nicht wenige scheitern am Unverständnis und der Ignoranz ihrer Umgebung und geben den Kampf um die eigene Identität auf.

Das muss ein Ende haben. Lasst uns zusammen dafür kämpfen, dass jeder Mensch exakt so sein darf und so leben darf, wie er*sie es möchte. Wenn diese Einstellung zum Dogma in unserer Gesellschaft wird, dann haben wir es geschafft.

Ich bin okay, du bist okay, wir sind okay – trans* ist okay!

DANKE, dass du diese Zeilen liest und mit deinem Verständnis dazu beiträgst, dass jede*r so sein darf, wie er*sie es möchte.

Eure Eva-Maria Popp 
Redakteurin der SK WelcomeHome Stiftung


That was our year 2021 „The whole is greater than the sum of its parts“, said the famous philosopher Aristotle. Yes, where he is right, he is right. Therefore, we adapt this important message for our Foundation and look back, after our activities and the result we were able to achieve with them. I would like to say at the outset that the goal of our foundation is to work very low-threshold for the acceptance of the topic „trans“ in large parts of society. That is a big goal that we certainly cannot achieve in a short time. But here, too, I quote a famous proverb: „The way is the goal“.

Our foundation set out on its journey in 2019. The first part of the road was paved with many bureaucratic hurdles but also with orientation, conception and team building. The past year 2021 was marked by many activities in terms of PR and public relations, which absolutely corresponds to our core objective. One major project was the foundation gala „Spectacolo Amace“ at the Captiol Theatre in Offenbach. Many celebrities and VIPs honoured us and thus our theme. First and foremost, the great Hollywood producer and best-selling author Ray Charles junior, who was very moved by the community. He has promised to take the topic „trans“ to Hollywood. WOW! This is great and a huge milestone towards our goal. A lot of our work is on social media. We regularly post our bi-weekly blog. This takes up many current issues from the community, both politically motivated and personal. Again and again we write in this blog about worldwide art projects that bring the topic of „trans“ to the fore, but we also take a look at history. At regular „Queertalk“ by our foundation president gives important people and opinion leaders a chance to speak and enriches our communication strategy. We have lively communication and cooperation with dgti e.V.. Many events that we had planned throughout the year naturally fell victim to the corona virus. From a fundraising run in May to our participation in various CSD marches, we had to forego public appearances. Nevertheless, we have participated in many

digital events or have organised and carried out corresponding campaigns. Direct counselling work and financial support for individual affected persons is not actually anchored in our foundation goals. Nevertheless, it takes place again and again in a situation-oriented manner. However, we do not communicate this publicly in order to protect the people who ask us directly for help. Many preparations for large projects that we are planning in 2022 have of course already started in 2021 and have taken up part of our working time but also financial resources. At this point, a big thank you to our Foundation President Sabina Kocherhans, who works tirelessly and forms the financial backbone of our Foundation through her commitment. She is also constantly busy convincing other people to support our foundation financially. Sabina is also firmly involved in the personnel development. New job profiles have been created and will be implemented and filled in 2022.

Entrepreneurial communication was also intensively expanded and used in 2021.

In the future, the foundation will be called upon by companies to introduce and implement diversity concepts. This activity in particular brings us a great deal closer to our goal. The fact is: we are going our way, steadily and in small, sometimes big steps. We are proud that we are removing the many stones that lie on this path together as a team and are happy about every step we take for our community and the topic of „trans“. THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts to everyone who supports us, who talks to us and who carries our message. THANK YOU also to the entire foundation core team. You guys are TIGHT! Together we are strong!

Eure Eva-Maria Popp 
Redakteurin der SK WelcomeHome Stiftung

Born small and through the power of many hands taking responsibility, to pitch in and help together, grown up.

This or something similar is how many significant global movements have emerged. They make the world we live in a little better. Our foundation also set out on this path more than two years ago. How nice that since then many people have taken responsibility and actively support the foundation.

The great publicist Marion Dönhoff aptly describes what responsibility is all about: „We were not preached responsibility, it simply came about in the community. In this spirit, we warmly welcome our new supporters. Katharina Zürns – Lisette Paris – Michaela Raeth An old saying goes:

„Many hands make a speedy end.“ Translated to our foundation’s goal, this means: We will soon make it possible for trans* people to lead a self-determined life – without prejudice, without hostility, without exclusion. Unfortunately, a new form of headwind is currently brewing in society regarding „trans“. The feminist Alice Schwarzer feels obliged to write a book about transgender people, thereby stabbing trans* women in the back in the most vicious way. Our member of the Bundestag, Tessa Ganserer, is insulted and denigrated. Rumours are spread, fears are stirred up and the human rights of trans* people – also in Germany – are trampled underfoot. We fight against this with our means – with words, with books, with low-threshold offers, with objective information, with solidarity and cohesion – a steady drop wears away the stone and many hands make a quick end. THANK YOU to all our supporters and once again a warm welcome to our new members.

Eure Eva-Maria Popp 
Redakteurin der SK WelcomeHome Stiftung